
Learn About Robusta Coffee

Robusta Coffee originated from Africa, the Coffea Canephora plant is more widely referred to as Robusta Coffee and accounts for 30% of global coffee production. Robusta has earthy and woody flavours with full body and yields excellent crema. Robusta is traditionally blended with Arabica to create a well-balanced blend. With double the caffeine content of Arabica, Robusta naturally has a more intense taste, yet this powerful flavour can be desirable in a blend to give it perceived strength and excellent crema.

In contrast to Arabica, Robusta beans are smaller and rounder in appearance. Robusta coffee plants are less labour intensive in terms of cultivation than Arabica plants. Their shallow root systems mean they can grow at lower altitudes with higher temperatures and are able to withstand harsher growing conditions. Coffea Canephora plants are less susceptible to pests and disease. As they require less tender loving care and produce a higher crop yield than Arabica, the production costs of Robusta are significantly reduced. Roasted Robusta beans are the less expensive of the two species due to the different cultivation techniques.

Benefits Of Drinking Robusta Coffee

Lessen Risk of Diabetes

Researches have concluded that regular coffee drinkers have 23 to 50% less chance of developing diabetes. This could probably be due to the appetite suppressing effects of coffee or the fact that it keeps the body active and moving.

Heart Health

Coffee, especially when drank moderately could also aid our cardiovascular health. Research has discovered that people who drink coffee on a regular basis helps lessen the risk of having stroke.

According to studies, drinking a cup of coffee a day not only keeps our mind active, it also has many surprising health benefits. To name a few:

Mental Health

Coffee helps in stimulating the brain with caffeine content. Studies shown that elderly populations who consume coffee on a moderate regular basis are 60% less likely to develop Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Help Lose Weight

Drinking coffee gets the body active and burns calories faster. The stimulant content of caffeine raises the metabolism of the body. It also helps the digestive system in calorie burning and suppresses the appetite.