
Learn How To Recognize Signs Of Cancer

What is Cancer? Cancer is a disease distinguished by uncontrollable cell growth. Our body organs and tissues are made up of cells. These cells act as building blocks. Cancer is the disease of these cells.. There is a specific cycle of cells life in our body in which they gradually become old and than die. In the same new cells are produced in our body. In general these cells divide and grow in an orderly manner. When the cells display division beyond there limit which leads to uncontrolled growth of cells. This further leads to intrusion and destruction of adjacent tissues. This uncontrolled growth cells is called Cancer.

 Four Main Causes Of Cancer

1) Changing a gene’s chemical structure- Genetic Mutation

2) Changing a gene’s environment – Epigenetics

3) Disordered chromosomes

4) New DNA from outside world – oncogenic viruses.

Common Symptoms Of Cancer


  • Headaches, dizziness, problems with vision – could be a sign of early brain cancer. Especially when these symptoms persist and do not go away.
  • Any type of lumps or swellings can obviously be a sign of different types of cancer or leukemia. Anything that feels out of the ordinary.
  • One of the signs of digestive cancers, diabetes or tuberculosis could be unexplained weight loss. When you are losing weight yet your diet and physical activity remain the same, then this could be a sign of a more serious problem. Pay attention to that.
  • Having difficulties with urinating could be a sign of prostate cancer. The urine flow then is usually weak, slow and intermittent.
  • Some of the symptoms of colon cancer and other types of cancer, can be unexplained stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation.
  • Chest pain and chronic coughing yet again can be symptoms of different types of cancers. But these symptoms are also very common of other diseases as well. So if you have chest pains and chronic coughing, that is out of the ordinary, then you should get a medical checkup.
  • Blood in the urine can be an early sign bladder cancer, painful or frequent urination could also be a sign of bladder cancer.

Best Diet Plan For Cancer Prevention

Don’t eat trans fats.
Trans fatty acids, used in baked goods and deep-fried foods, raise the risk of prostate and invasive breast cancers. Don’t buy anything containing partially hydrogenated oil, code for trans fats.

Buy organic.
Exposure to certain pesticides is linked to at least nine different cancers. Buy foods with the USDA-certified organic seal.

Make fruits and vegetables daily companions.
Consume a range of fresh, colorful produce. Berries, cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage), tomatoes, and dark-green leafy vegetables are especially potent cancer fighters.

Eat more fish.
Fish that are low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, Atlantic mackerel, Arctic char, and sardines, reduce inflammation, which is linked to cancer.

Add fiber to your diet.
Every 10 g of daily fiber intake reduces the risk of colon cancer by 10%. Good sources include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Aim for 25 g daily.

Drink green tea.
Green tea contains catechins, antioxidants in a class of compounds called polyphenols, which may protect cells from DNA damage, strengthen the immune system, and activate enzymes that curb tumors.

Get enough vitamin D.
Higher blood levels of this vitamin are associated with lower rates of colon, breast, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. Have your blood level tested, and discuss supplementation options with your doctor. For more on vitamin D research, check out the work of the GrassrootsHealth organization.)

Flavor your food with turmeric.
Another polyphenol, this Indian spice has anti-inflammatory properties.

Avoid red meat.
Beef, pork, and lamb are linked to cancers of the colon, prostate, pancreas, and kidney.

Limit alcohol consumption.
Alcohol is a risk factor for oral cancers; cancers of the esophagus, liver, colon, and breast; and possibly pancreatic cancer. Women should have no more than one drink daily; men, no more than two.

Cancer is curable. Gone are those days when people got so worried about this disease because it couldn’t be cured. Being aware of the symptoms of cancer is the best way to prevent it aside from the given fact that the right kind of treatment would work if the symptoms are known and found the earliest stage possible.