
Learn More About The Health Benefits Of Garlic

What is Garlic? Garlic is a superfood. It is a species in the onion genus, Allium. It is used in fresh or dries form as a source of characteristic sulphur containing substances (e.g.allicin, which is responsible for the odor of garlic) that have potentially beneficial effects within the body. Some of these compounds are present in garlic in a latent form, which are activated when garlic cloves are crushed or digested.
Garlic has been used for centuries for its amazing healing potential, and also as a tasty food additive. Once upon a time herbalist and medicine men used garlic for everything, it was actually considered a wonder herb. Now days, we have a group of specific conditions that we feel garlic has the highest impact on, such as lowering cholesterol and decreasing your chances of heart disease.
Garlic is beneficial to good health in one way or another. Get past the odor, and a world of good can be had from a daily regimen of fresh garlic or garlic supplements. Although not all of garlic’s health benefits have been proven in the laboratory, centuries of garlic consumption – and its pronounced use in natural medicine – point to an herb with a variety of healing properties and significant nutritive value.
Garlic contains healthy amino acids and high levels of the constituent alliin, an amino acid derivative said to be responsible for the herb’s health benefits. Garlic contains trace minerals copper, zinc, germanium, selenium, iron and magnesium, vitamins A and C and several beneficial sulfuric compounds known to bind to heavy metals and toxins in the liver and transport them for elimination.
Some Nutrients In Garlic
· Selenium: 6% of the RDA.
· Fiber: 0.6 gram
· Manganese: 23% of the RDA.
· Vitamin B6: 17% of the RDA.
· Vitamin C: 15% of the RDA.
· Decent amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1
Type Of Garlic Supplements
o Garlic oil capsules
o Allicin-stabilized pills
o Encapsulated powdered garlic
o Aged garlic extract
o Odorless garlic pills
Health Benefits Of Garlic
Cold Buster: There still is no cure for the common cold, but you can reduce your chances of catching one as well as the number of days you remain ill. For this, raw is best, though it’s a little hard to eat. Supplements and that found in food will also help.
Lowering Blood Pressure: There is a solid link between the use of this supplement and the reduction of blood pressure, both diastolic and systolic. Taking it along with your regular medication could help prevent heart attacks and stroke
Antibiotic: While it is not as strong as penicillin, studies indicate that there is an antibiotic property in garlic. It is one of the secret ingredients of Grandma’s Chicken Soup, the one always served when you don’t feel well. Garlic was used on soldiers in several wars. It was applied as a poultice to wounds to prevent infection.
Cancer Battle: Increased garlic consumption may help prevent several types of cancer. A study done in Iowa on 41,000 middle aged women showed that increased garlic plus fruits and vegetables reduced the chances of colon cancer by 35%. It may help battle other types of cancer as well.
Cholesterol: Several studies suggest that taking supplements of this herb could reduce cholesterol. At least one study indicates that it does not, so I wouldn’t depend totally on it as a factor in reducing it. More studies are being done which should clear this matter up.
Garlic Sex Benefits
Garlic is purported to help maintain healthy testosterone levels in men and boost the libido of both men and women.
Garlic Side Effects
Garlic is a natural blood thinner and inhibits clotting, so those with clotting disorders should consult a physician before beginning a regimen of garlic supplements or cloves. Garlic can irritate the digestive system, cause cramping, bloating, diarrhea and gas, and should be avoided by those allergic to sulfur.