What Is Alzheimer’s

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What is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer, who first described it in 1906.  Alzheimer’s is a common and serious brain disease. More than 5 million Americans now have Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a disease that destroys brain cells, hampers communication between neurons and seriously impairs a person’s ability […]

Why Does My Body Have Inflammation

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A lot of people don’t understand Inflammation. Inflammation is a process by which the body’s white blood cells and substances they produce protect us from infection with foreign organisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens – […]

Why People Are Joining Fuxion Network Marketing Company

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Fuxion offers you the opportunity to start your own business by becoming an independent distributor with a business system that is simple and easily duplicatable. This business is made possible for you to conduct during your free time which can make it possible to create financial and personal freedom. Upon becoming an independent distributor you […]

Opioids Addiction Is A Epidemic In The U. S.

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Opioids addiction in the U.S. is an epidemic. Opioids are the most powerful known pain relievers, sometimes leading to opioid addiction requiring treatment. This is probably the most abused prescription drug in our society. The great majority of illicitly used prescription opioids are not obtained from drug dealers. Family and friends are now the greatest source […]

What Are The Effects Granuloma

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What is Granuloma? Granuloma (donovanosis) is a medical condition characterized by a noncancerous inflammation in the tissue. Typically, it encompasses only a small part of the tissue, and a person with one usually does not experience any signs or symptoms. The majority of granulomas are the result of an injury to the tissue, particularly as […]