
Learn How To Start A Home Based Business With Primerica Make Up To $1500 To $2500 A Month Part-Time Contact Angela Harrold At 901-870-5991

Angela Harrold Financial Advisor For Primerica

Angela Harrold
Primerica Financial Advisor

Hello, My name is Angela Harrold. I am a Financial Advisor for Primerica. My job is to help families earn more income and protect their property. My job is to show individuals how to become debt free and financially independent. Also, I have been showing individual how to sell life insurance and start a Home Based Business. You can become a Life Insurance Agent with Primerica. There is a potential to make $1500 to $2500 a Month working part-time if you are willing to put in the work. To Join Primerica Contact Angela Harrold 901-870-5991

Make Money With Primerica Compensation Plan

The Primerica commission structured in a unilevel type of payment plan. this means is that all of your customers and referrals will be on your first level. Now with that out of the way, let’s get into how they pay you.

The way that Primerica is set up to earn the bigger commissions, and is expected with the fact that you will be selling insurance, you will need to be licensed in order to become part of the bigger payouts of the commissions that you can receive.

Although you can still make commissions with Primerica, you will be severely limited to what percentage level that you can make, and also limited to the services you can actually sell.

So after you get licensed to sell insurance, you are still starting at the first level which is the Representative level of the Primerica commission structure.

With the life insurance service is concerned that can be sold with Primerica, the middle of the road premium plans are at the $1000 level.

At the Representative level that you start out at, your commission is limited to 25% of that $1000. So at the Representative level, you will earn $250 per sale.

When you are dealing with the debt elimination loans, which is called the SMART loan within Primerica’s service list, the average of the size of the loan varies, and it also various through states as well.

For example, you offer the SMART debt consolidation service and sell a mortgage and some credit card debts and get approval for a total loan amount of $200,000.

At the Representative level, your commission for your level is capped at 0.312%. So if you do the math you will get paid $624.00.

Also, the same rate is also in place, at the Representative level the commission rate is also the same.

When you sell a Mutual Fund investment, the commissions are a bit tricky to figure out, and the investments don’t pay out that much upfront.

The part of the commission structure that Primerica offers you is small, but the thing is, you will get paid off your customer’s investment forever.

With that said, let’s say you helped someone to invest $10,000.

The dealer would get paid 4.5%, out of the 4.5% that the dealer gets paid, you will earn 30% of that which if you do the math comes out to $135.

But the thing is that most people don’t have that much to invest, and the minimum that someone can invest is $25, so with the dealer percentage taken into account and the %30 percentage that you would make from the dealer payout, you will make .38 per month.

Primerica doesn’t pay out until you reach $25 then they will cut you a check, so it will take a few months before Primerica cuts you that check.

So being at the Representative level will pay out commissions, you really want to strive to get to the higher levels.

The level that you will want to get to is District Leader as fast as you can.

District Leaders get paid a higher percentage per sale.

For example, for life insurance you get paid 50%, loans will pay you 0.442% on loans, and 35% of that 35% that the dealer gets.

At the District Leader position, you will also get to override your teammates.

An override is basically the difference between your sales level and his/her sales level.So this happens when you are at the District Leader level, and your teammate is at the Representative level.When you make a sale you get paid also.

So let’s say your teammate that is at the Representative level make a sale for $250, you will also make $250.

This of course only happens when your teammate is at the Representative level and you’re at the District Leader position.

If both of you are District Leaders, then this override will not apply, and they will get the full $500.

So that was a Commission plan breakdown with the information that I was able to find from their website and also from consulting Reps from the Primerica company.