
Start A MLM Home Based Business For Free Make Money No Auto Ship Needed Free Website

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle MLM Company

Bilal Muhammad (Atlanta)
CTFO Associate ID Number 4319428

Join CTFO Today: https://bilalmuhammad.myctfo.com/joinfree.html

Review CTFO Compensation Plan: https://bilalmuhammad.myctfo.com/opportunity_ctfo.html

How To Make Money Online With CTFO CBD Oil

Hello, My name is Bilal. I am an Associate with CTFO. It is one of the most successful Network Marketing Company in the Industry. The one the best things about this company is that their is no Monthly
Autoship. You dont have to buy a products every month unless you want to in order to make some money with this company. Therefore, you dont have to worry about wasting money because your are new and may not be able to make sells as soon as you start. Also, you don’t have to worry about stocking unused products in your house or garage

All CTFO associates qualify to receive a 20% payout commission on every customer or associate they refer into the company who purchases product. You automatically qualify for this 20% on all commission volumes for each qualifying week, without needing to purchase product yourself. If you choose to do so, you can use the compensation plan laid out below to max out how much commission you earn each week.

CTFO Compensation Plan

1) Retail Commissions: to earn retail commissions, you must sell the product either through your online website or in-person to a customer. All products that are offered to you within your back-end office are given at a discounted wholesale price. The retail prices are about 30% higher than the wholesale price, meaning that if you sell in-person, you are going to make a higher commission than if you sell through your website. Now if you sign someone up through your website, you are still going to earn a commission, it’ll just be 20% of whatever the given commissionable volume is for that product. Regardless of what route you go, you’ll be earning a profit on every single product you sell.

2) 5 Levels of Payment (Unilevel Pay): you receive a commission for every person you personally enroll as well as every person that they enroll. This goes down five levels deep with the first level paying you 20% commissions on commissionable volume, while levels two-five paying out 4% of each commission volume.

3) Regenerating Matrix Pay: to put this simply, this is considered a separate downline which every single associate is placed into when they join. This is a 3×21 matrix, where each associate will have a maximum of three people under them. This matrix has 21 levels, of which levels 1-5 pays out 1%, 6-7 pays out 10% and 8-21 pays out another 1%. As you can see, teams that are relatively large can earn a nice chunk of residual income.

4) Another part of the matrix comes in the form of profit sharing positions. These are automatically generated for you and provides you with the potential to earn additional income as every third referral creates a new matrix for you, with you at the top. Gaining a new position in the matrix is free and they pay you out based on your current rank. Keeping them is easy, as they come with no requirements.

5) Infinity Bonus Pay: provides you with a percentage of your entire team’s commission volume. This percentage increases based on how high up you are ranked. The maximum amount earned is 19% of the total commissionable volume of your team which is divided up based on who is ranked in what position. To give an example of this, the “Top Gun Pool” and the associates who are ranked as “Top Gun” will receive a portion of the 6% of all commissionable volume generated at the end of each month.