Network Marketing, MLMUncategorized

Stop Wasting Your Money Trying To Start A MLM Business

I am writing this blog post because I see people wasting money on trying to start a home based business. Because of the Covid 19 Crises and the unemployment rate being so high over 30 million people filing for unemployment, many people are looking for ways to start a home based business. A lot of people are turning to Network Marketing. Here is the thing, they are wasting their time and money because they have unrealistic expectations. They are joining  and quitting within 15 to 30 days.

Look it take 3 to 5 years to build a successful Network Marketing Business. Traditional business take longer than that sometimes. You cant build a Network Marketing Business in 15 or 30 days. It does not work like that. It takes time to learn the industry, the develop skills and get the training it takes to be successful in the Industry. You have to have patience.

Some people get some success with Network Marketing faster because they have a large Network to Market to or they already have the money, skills and training it takes to be successful in the Industry.  If you don’t have a lot of money or a large network to market to, you will need to build your Network and invest money in marketing. It takes time build credibility, ascertain social proof and to get people to like, trust, respect and buy from you.

So in Conclusion, if you don’t have 3 to 5 years to build a MLM business, you may want to save your money. You will not build a MLM Business in 30 Days. It’s better to find another job. You don’t have to open a MLM Business. You can simply be a customer if you like the products. Most MLM companies have excellent products. If you are starting a MLM home based business because of the Covid 19 Crises, you need to understand he will probably take you 3 to 5 years to build a profitable MLM business. Have A Nice Day!

Frankie Muhammad

Frankie Muhammad (TLC Life Changer)
Independent Business Owner Number 6138951

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