
Toxic Liver Can Prevent Weight Loss


Keep The Liver Clean

The liver is an organ that manages two important functions when you are trying to lose weight. The liver converts stored fat into energy. Second, the liver eliminates toxins from the body. This is why you always want to make sure the liver is healthy.

Toxins can be eliminated through urine, sweet, feces, breathing and mucus. However, the toxins must go through the liver first.  The first thing the liver do is process toxins and then it converts fats into energy. If you have too many toxins in the body, the liver may not get a chance to convert the fats into energy. This will hinder your ability to lose weight.

How To Keep The Liver Healthy And Lose Weight

  1. Avoid Alcohol: Drinking to much alcohol for a long period of time can destroy the liver. Ultimately, you will suffer from a disease called cirrhosis of the liver. Also, when you drink it slows down the process of losing weight.
  2. Caffeinated Drinks: Too much caffeine affects your cortisol which prevents proper hydration. This makes it difficult to get toxins from the body. Caffeine can come from drinks, tea, chocolate, cocoa, and some medications.
  3. Sugars: Sugar is hard on the body and it takes nutrients away from the body. Also, sugar is nothing put empty calories.
  4. Low Fiber Diets: You need to eat a lot of fiber. It makes you feel full and move waste out the body.
  5. Foods High In Saturated Fats: Many of these foods contain toxins such as PCBs (polycholorinated bipheyles). Therefore, it is best to eat lean meats.
  6. Trans Fats: Avoid foods that have partially hydrogenated oils. They are harmful to the body and the liver has to detox them from the body.
  7. Food Additives: Avoid food coloring, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. They are harmful to the body.

Remember keeping the liver clean not only help us lose weight. It can also help us avoid diseases like cancer and other autoimmune diseases. It is extremely important to keep toxins out the body.

Best Regards,

Frankie Muhammad