
Treating And Understanding Depression In Memphis

Depression occurs when a person feels sad. Also, sometime the person has lack of self-esteem. They feel worthless, hopeless and helpless. Depression is serious illness. When a person feels depress, they lose interest in activities that they use to enjoy. Some people even have problems functioning at home and at work. It can be so bad for some people that they even consider taking their own life.

How will I know I am depressed? First, you may be feeling sad all the time. Also, you don’t feel like doing anything or talking to anyone. You have low energy. You don’t even want to do things you normally love to do. Also, you may experience changes in your appetite. You may stop eating or you may start eating to much. You may lose or gain weight. Also, you may start sleeping too much. However, some people that are depressed can’t sleep. Depression can also lead a person to have thoughts of hurting themselves or considering suicide. Some people just feel worthless when they are going through a depression.

Treatment For Depression

If you think you are suffering from depression, you should get professional help and see a doctor. You want to be properly examine and diagnosed. This way you can get the proper treatment that you need.

There are several types of treatments you may receive if you are diagnosed with depression. Some doctors use antidepressants to help treat depression. Some doctors use psychotherapy or talk therapy. If you have serious depression or you are bipolar, the doctor may use Electroconvulsive Therapy  (ECT) for treatment. This treatment involves electric stimulation to the brain while the patient is under anesthesia. There are just some the treatments for depression.

Natural Supplements For Depression

  1. St. John’s Wort
  2. Saffron
  3. Folate
  4. Vitamin D
  5. GAGA
  6. Calcium
  7. Melatonin
  8. Tumeric
  9. SAM-e
  10.  Vitamin B-12
  11. Omega  Fatty Acids
  12. Probiotics
  13.  Magnesium
  14.  Amino Acids

Mental Health Facilities In Memphis

  1. Lakeside Behavioral Health 1800-232-5253
  2. Strategic Behavioral Health 901-969-3100
  3. Alliance Health Services 901-369-1400
  4. Delta Medical Center 901-369-8100
  5. Mental Health Resource 901-682-6136
  6. Parkwood Behavioral Health 1800-477-3422
  7. Compass Intervention 1888-266-7279
  8. Memphis Mental Health 901-577-1800

Youth Villages 901-252-7800