
Use Facebook Ads To Get Leads For Your Network Marketing Business

Frankie Muhammad Home Based Business Owner Professional Network Marketer

Frankie Muhammad


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Use Facebook To Get MLM Leads

One of the best ways to get leads is through using the internet and social media. The best social media site to get more leads and Facebook. However, I am going to show some simple ways to get leads from Facebook.

Tips On How To Get Facebook Leads On Facebook

1. Always group your ads that you target to a same particular interest in one campaign that you create.  If you create additional ads targeting a different particular interest you will likely have one of those ads stop performing (facebook will stop showing it).

2. Start your bid at a $1.00 as a starting bid and ignore the price Facebook gives you. It’s just a suggestion from Facebook that doesn’t mean that is what you are going to pay. You will get better leads if you start with one dollar.

3. The best type of ad to run is to your fanpage and have the person who clicks on your ad go to a landing tab.  This way you get a new fans and more “likes” and you also give them an option to opt in to your list if you have a great call to action on your landing tab.

4. Use an image that will capture your audience’s attention.  For instance a picture outlined in a bright red border.  Using people’s faces with expressions is also a great image to use on your ad.

5.  You want to create good headlines. Write an attention grabbing headline.

6. When creating ads always use the optimization process in order to find the most effective ad that will produce you the highest click through rate.

7. When monitoring the performance of your ads make sure you always strive for .20 or higher in your ctr (click through rate) which will result in lower cost per click. If you aren’t achieving this result, it’s time to pause the ad and target another interest.

8. Never put more than one target in the interest category of your ad. The reason is if you put, say 3 or 4 interests to target your ad to you won’t know which interest is performing better than the other, which could result in a lower ctr.

Best Facebook Marketing Tips

1. When accepting Friend requests, do so on the right side panel, where it says Friend Requests, as here it recommends other friends to add, while not eating into your daily 20-25 friends.

2. Try and Post videos and and links that provide Value and Knowledge.

3. Make Sure your links to your blogs, sites etc appear on your profile page and are visible for all to see.

4. Facebook is a Social Networking Site so use it as a great way of building friends and increase your Networking Circle.

5. Add no more than 20-25 friends daily.

6. Always Thank your friends for accepting your Friend Requests, and while thanking them you can also promote your link or business. But the important thing is, do not try and appear to push or sell as this is a big turn off for people.

7. Comment On Other Peoples comments, links, status updates, posts as this way you appear to be more socially active and appear more human. 8. Try and update your status and links etc at least 3-5 times a day minimum