
Video Top Weight Loss Tea

Frankie Muhammad CTFO Network Marketing Company


Green and Black tea, Lemon, Ginger, Chamomile, Goldenseal, Echinacea and even Cranberry, Peppermint and Raspberry are all brought to simmer in your mind. One tea I found quite different is garlic – known for ages as being a healthy herb for just about any condition of the cardiovascular system, it is also known for antibiotic prevention of gangrene; called “Russian Penicillin” during the two World Wars. Many of the teas have been medically proven to fight cancer and heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and improve circulation. One tip Valerie Lull mentions is for those that do not like caffeine in their tea, to discard the first pour, and drink the second cup, as most of the caffeine is gone by then. Detoxification of the liver and overall health improvements are the by-products of having a tasty.