
What Are The Benefits Of Earl Grey Tea

Frankie Muhammad CTFO Network Marketing Company


While Earl Grey tea was popularized by the English, it was not an English invention. Scented and flavored teas are uniquely Chinese. Early Chinese tea masters constantly experimented with ways to make their teas more exotic, not only to capture the attention of the reigning emperors of the time but also the business of worldwide trade merchants looking to return home with the unique flavors of the Far East. From fragrant jasmine flowers and wild rosebuds to bitter oranges and sweet lychee fruits, Chinese tea masters infused all kinds of fragrance and flavor into their teas during processing to create distinctive and highly drinkable beverages.

One history of the origins of Earl Grey explains that a Chinese mandarin tea master blended the first Earl Grey tea as a gift for Charles Grey, the 2nd Earl of Grey and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1830 to 1834. According to the Grey family, the tea master used bergamot as a flavoring to offset the lime flavor in the well water on Earl Grey’s estate, Howick Hall, near Newcastle, England. Earl Grey’s wife, Lady Grey, loved the tea so much that she entertained with it exclusively. It proved so popular with London society, she asked tea merchants in London to recreate it. Exactly which English tea merchant marketed the first Earl Grey tea blend is somewhat of a debate in the world of tea. But one thing is for sure: While the 2nd Earl of Grey abolished slavery and reformed child labor laws in England during his political leadership, he will be most famously remembered for the beloved tea he helped introduce to the world.

The benefits of Earl Grey tea
1. It’s high in antioxidants

This tea  instantly gives you a boost of antioxidants: something that helps out your overall well-being in many ways, including combating inflammation and fighting off free radicals.

2. It decreases your risk of disease

Because of all the antioxidants in Earl Grey, drinking the tea also helps decrease your risk of many different diseases—many of which are life-threatening. “Regularly consuming black tea may help decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.

3. It fights off cancer

Aside from keeping your heart healthy and glucose levels in check, Past research has shown black tea may also help decrease your risk of certain types of cancer, including oral, ovarian, and bladder cancer.

4. It can help combat stress

While something like coffee is a stimulant that tends to trigger your body’s fight-or-flight response, possibly making your stress and anxiety worse, there’s a key ingredient in Earl Grey that does the opposite. “Black tea provides L-theanine, which is an amino acid that may help you feel more relaxed and calm—and less tense.