
What Are The Best Foods For The Nervous System

Your Nervous System is a very important part of your body.  The types of food we eat determine the health of our nervous system.  In fact, what you drink and eat also affects all sorts of organs and systems that keep you alive and thriving. That includes the far-reaching nervous system, which contains your body’s control center – the brain – and spine and extends to all the other nerves in your body which branch out from the central nervous system to your skeletal muscles, arms, legs, fingers and toes. Learn More About How To Protect Your Nervous System by eating the right foods. Read This Story

Best Foods For Nervous System

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. Apart from all this, pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage. Magnesium is essential for learning and memory and low magnesium levels are linked to many neurological diseases, including migraines, depression and epilepsy. Your brain uses copper to help control nerve signals.


Nuts can improve cognition skills and even help prevent neurological disorder. Also, another study found that women who ate nuts regularly over the course of several years had a sharper memory, compared to those who didn’t eat nuts at all. There are several nutrients in nuts, such as healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E, all of which are good for brain health.

Nerves are protected by myelin sheaths, which contain very high level of fatty acid. So, people who are deficient in fatty acids may suffer from damage of the nerves. Fish has Omega 3 fatty acid and thus helps in healing of the nerves and nervous system.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolates are full of flavonols which have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant property. These properties help to lower the blood pressure and improve the blood flow, to both brain and heart. Skip milk and white chocolates and go for a minimally processed dark chocolate with at least 70 percent of cocoa. This will ensure that you get its brain benefits!


Broccoli is rich in Vitamin K which is known to improve brain power and cognitive skills. Many studies have reported that because broccoli is rich in a compound called glucosinolates which can slow the breakdown of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which the central nervous system needs to perform its function properly, keeps our brain and memory sharp. Low levels of acetylcholine are linked with Alzheimer’s.


A study conducted at Boston University tracked 1400 healthy adults for 10 years who consumed eggs daily, and the results found that regular egg intake resulted in better performance on some memory tests.

Eggs are rich in choline and B vitamin. When you consume eggs, the choline in them is used by the brain to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is important for memory and communication among brain cells.


As we have already mentioned, omega 3 fatty acid has an important role to play in cognitive functioning. According to New York Times, Journal neurology, low level of omega 3 fatty acid is linked with smaller brain volume and poor mental performance.

Salmon is a rich source of omega 3 which can strengthen the brainpower. According to a research conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, adults under the age of 25 who increased their omega-3 intake over six months improved their test scores, measuring the working memory.

Avocados Rich in both Vitamin K and folate, avocados help prevent blood clot in the brain and thus protects you from stroke. Apart from that, avocados also help to improve memory and concentration. The best thing about avocados is they have the highest protein and lowest sugar content as compared to any other fruit ��Ӝަ��l