
What Are The Side Effects Of Stevia Sugar


Stevia may affect some people blood sugar. Their blood sugar my become lower when consuming stevia while taking medications.People taking insulin or drugs for diabetes by mouth should be monitored closely by a qualified health care professional, including a pharmacist,”
Stevia may also interact with anti-fungals, anti-inflammatories, anti-microbials, anti-cancer drugs, anti-virals, appetite suppressants, calcium channel blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs, drugs that increase urination, fertility agents and other medications, Ulbricht said. People should talk with their doctor before deciding to take stevia in large amounts.
Stevia Side Effects
1. Upset Stomach: Stevia sweeteners contain stevioside which may cause an upset stomach, nausea or bloating after being consumed.
2. Metabolism: Experiments on animal test subjects showed that ingesting large doses of stevoside can cause interference in the way the body absorbs carbohydrates. This can limit your ability to convert food to energy.
3. Allergic Reactions: Stevia has been known to rarely cause anaphylaxis, but this is more common in those that already have an allergy to chrysanthemums, marigolds, ragweed or daisies. Those that develop an allergic reaction to stevia may see difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, hives, dizziness, pale skin, wheezing or weakness.
4. Adverse Physical Reactions: Other symptoms that infrequently occur when consuming Stevia products include numbness, dizziness and body aches. This dizziness can impact your ability to walk properly or stand without assistance.
This food may be sweeter and have less calories. However, it is not something I would eat regularly. I would only eat it in moderation. There is too much controversy concerning Stevia. I would find another way to sweeten my food. I use honey and maple syrup. However, I always limit my intake of any kind of sweetener. It’s not a good idea to take in a lot of anything sweet if you are trying to lose weight and stay healthy. If you are craving for something sweet, eat fruit.