
What Is Get Information About Flat White Coffee

What is Flat White Coffee? A flat white is a coffee drink consisting of espresso with microfoam (steamed milk with small, fine bubbles and a glossy or velvety consistency). It is similar to the caffè latte, but smaller in volume and with less microfoam, therefore having a higher proportion of coffee to milk, and milk that is more velvety in consistency – allowing the espresso to dominate the flavour, while being supported by the milk.

The Flat White, a coffee drink concept originally from Australia and New Zealand is expected to become as popular as Costa’s current best seller the Latte – why? The Flat White is a rich, creamy, full flavoured coffee with a velvety texture and made from the purest extract of the coffee bean.

It actually takes a great deal of skill to produce a Flat White. Only the purest essence of the coffee bean is extracted, resulting in a short Espresso called ‘Cortissimo’. This is then blended with milk that has been heated using a special technique, resulting in a smooth, velvety texture, with each drink hand finished with a distinctive ‘florette’ pattern.