
What Is Network Marketing

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle Independent Representative

Frankie Muhammad
Network Marketing Professional

I absolutely love the Network Marketing Industry. IT has given me the ability to build a successful Home Based Business and make money online. So what is Network Marketing? Network Marketing is a very old business model that promotes the distribution of goods and services, through a network of distributors. Each Network Marketing Company distributor earns a very profitable income from selling products and telling others about the income opportunity.

A lot of people don’t know the different between a Network Marketing Company and a Pyramid Scheme. Network Marketing  is very different from these schemes, as it offers a s legitimate way to earn an income, through a consistent and sustained effort of promoting valid products and services. However, a get rich quick schemes normally works by capitalizing on the greed of people and benefiting those only at the top of the pyramid structure. In Network Marketing you can be successful even when you start from the bottom. Success is based on hard work, training and dedication.

Tip To Be Successful in MLMs What You Will Need

o Use the products that you promoteo Mentor your team

o Advertise

o Be willing to put in at least 2 hours per day to do all the above mentioned things

o Tell people what you do

o Make phone calls

o Participate in conference calls

o Keep updated with regards to what is going on in your network marketing company

Benefits Of  Network Marketing

  1. Low Start Up Cost
  2. Don’t Have To Stock Products
  3. Great Leadership And Training
  4. Work With A Team
  5. Can Work From Home
  6. Many Ways To Earn Money
  7. Awesome Products
  8. Spend More Time With Your Family
  9. Tax Benefits
  10. Set Your Own Hours (Your The Boss)