
Why Does My Vagina Have A Foul Smell Bacterial Vaginosis

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis
What is Bacterial Vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis occurs when you have an overgrowth of bacteria that exist normally in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is believed to be more common than a yeast infection. It is believed that it cannot be transmitted from one individual to another like many sexually transmitted diseases, but it may be associated with intercourse. When you experience bacterial vaginosis, you may experience vaginal odor and discharge.
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms
· There may be a strong odor, worse during menstruation or after intercourse.
· Burning and/or itching may or may not occur along with the odor
· As many as 50 percent of women that have bacterial vaginosis have no symptoms at all.
· A strong, fishy or even a musty odor along with a milky white or greyish colored discharge.
What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora, the usual bacteria found in a woman’s vagina.
It should not be confused with candidiasis, a yeast infection, or Trichomonas vaginalis , or trichomoniasis. These are not caused by bacteria.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 29.2 percent of American women aged 14-49 experience BV, but 84 percent of them report no symptoms.
We know that bacterial vaginosis is linked to an imbalance in the bacteria that are normally found in a female’s vagina, but why this imbalance occurs is unclear.
Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis
Doctors say treatment is not required if a woman has BV but no symptoms. Sometimes BV can appear and disappear for no apparent reason.
If Needed Some Forms Of Treatment
1. Use of prescribed medications
2. Natural treatment and home remedies
Most antibiotics today are clinically proven to effectively eliminate bacteria – consequently, use of antibacterial drugs are very effective in giving immediate relief to various bacterial vaginosis symptoms.
Use of drugs is one of the popular options and mostly preferred by many physicians. Since this condition is caused by bacterial invasion and infection, the first line treatment used by most doctors is to prescribe antibacterial drugs like Clindamycin and Metronidazole.