
Why I Cant Lose Belly Fat

Simple Tips For Losing Belly Fat

Anaerobic exercise “weight training” and aerobic exercise “running,
walking, swimming” and a healthy diet will all help trim away that needless belly fat. Luckily for you I
have some dietary steps you can take to relieve yourself of that belly.

Step 1. Reduce Calories: The best way to burn fat is to cut the calories. But be sure not to get out of
control, like starving yourself. Just cut back and read food labels before purchase.

Step 2. Quit drinking Alcohol: Drinking alcohol especially beer is like consuming dead calories.
Bloating can also accrue if over consumption occurs.

Step 3. Less Sugar: Sugar is burned for energy, sugar found in junk food and sodas burns rather
quickly, where vegetables and fruit sugars burn slowly. However, if you are not using energy to burn
these sugars over time these sugars will turn into body fat.

Step 4. Exercise: Walking, running, swimming, jogging, attending a gym, are all great ideas. The
reason is if you are staying active you can almost eat whatever you want! Why? Because your body
is burning everything you take in. Staying active is a key to getting rid of belly fat.