
Why I Cant Lose Weight

Obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Losing weight can be difficult. One reason you may not be able to lose weight is your metabolism. There are several things to cause the metabolism to slow down.

How To Speed Up Metabolism

1) Diet:
Cut out the junk- The problem with most foods is not the food itself, but the way it is cooked or processed. Boil or grill instead of frying – replace white bread with wholegrain – eat fresh fruit instead of sweets – substitute creamy pasta for a healthier option.
Eat 5 or 6 smaller meals each day rather than 2 or 3 larger ones.
To jump start your metabolism each day, never skip breakfast.

2) Exercise:
Walk, dance, skip or do other cardio or aerobic exercises that you will enjoy also incorporate a bit of weight training. A combination of the 2 will soon get your metabolism up to speed.

3) Drink Water:
Get rid of the buildup of toxins on a daily basis as this could very well affect your health.

4) Relax:
I know a certain amount of stress is unavoidable, the trick is to find a bit of ‘me time’ to destress. Reading – soft music – yoga – meditation or whatever. You will be rewarded with a healthy body and mind.

5) Sleep:
A very essential part of good overall health. This is when our cells are magically repaired. We wake up feeling refreshed and all ready for the day ahead.

What Can Cause The Metabolism To Slow Down

1) Gender:
Women tend to have a slower metabolism than men. The reason for this is, men have more muscle mass, while women generally have more body fat and muscle revs up metabolism..

2) Age:
Hmm, I guess so!. As we get older, we become less active and begin to loss muscle tissue, so if we keep eating the same amount of calories without getting more exercise, we will inevitably gain weight. Luckily you can do something about this one. Exercise more!

3) Genes:
Is it our genes or is it a vicious cycle?. Maybe the reason you cant lose weight is because your dietary and exercise habits were passed down from generation to generation without the cycle being broken. So, can we break the cycle and blow this theory out of the water?

4) Thyroid Dysfunction:
This is a medical issue, best see your doctor to discuss this.

5) The biggest culprit is:
Bad diet and lack of exercise. If you don’t fall into the 4 categories above, then this is the reason your metabolism is slow and you cant lose weight.