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Why I Started Network Marketing Blog

Frankie Muhammad Home Based Business Owner Professional Network Marketer

Frankie Muhammad


Start A Home Based Business With EvolvHealth

I started my MLM Blog because I wanted to get more leads for my MLM Business.  I knew my blog would help me get more leads which would lead to more customers. My blog makes me money. Also, it gives me the opportunity to share content within the Network Marketing Industry. My blog is unlike Pay Per Click  or Email Marketing. It creates online everlasting online assets for me. My blog posts stays out their forever. They make me money over and over again.

How Does A  Blog Make Me Money

If you run an MLM blog, I suggest you don’t want to JUST have your network marketing company as your sole source of income as most people that come to your blog are not looking for a company but they are instead looking for training. so you can sell training material on your blog. You can sell your Network Marketing Products on your blog.  You can sell Affiliate Products on your blog. Once you get your traffic up, business owners will pay you to advertise products on your blog.