Network Marketing, MLM

Why People Can’t Make Money In Network Market

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle MLM Company

Frankie Muhammad

Network Marketing Professional


Why People Fail At Network Marketing

  1. They don’t constantly do training and courses in marketing and business building.
  2. They don’t actually help their team to become better business owners (If you don’t help your team become better, your retention rate will suck and your downline will never grow or pay you anything).
  3. Marketers may blame outside factors for their failure (You have to accept the fact that your success is all dependent on you).
  4. Network marketers tend to over-complicate things.
  5. They also don’t scale up their business when they find something that works.
  6. They don’t have a why (What’s you main reason for wanting to reach your goals for network marketing?).
  7. They have no mentor to help guide them.
  8. Many of them don’t stay focused on their work.
  9. Theyprocrastinate and get distracted by other things.
  10. They try to learn everything before taking any action (I was guilty of this when I started).
  11. They don’t do income producing activities.
  12. A lot of network marketers aren’t consistent enough.
  13. Theyspam their affiliate link all over the place.
  14. They try to hard sell everyone.
  15. They don’t build a relationship with their prospects.
  16. They try to pitch their opportunity first.
  17. A lot of them don’t build an email list (HUGE mistake).
  18. They don’t position themselves as the leader when influencing prospects.
  19. They act desperate for the sale (People see right through this).
  20. Many of them don’t focus on mastering a couple of marketing strategies instead of all of them (A jack of all trades is the master of none).
  21. They don’t build a social media following.
  22. They rely on only one marketing strategy (What will you do if that is taken away?).
  23. They’re not involved in team events and meetings.
  24. A lot of marketers don’t do personal development (You can’t stay ahead of the competition if you don’t work on yourself).
  25. They aren’t focusing on a laser targeted market.
  26. They throw money spontaneously at paid ads without knowing what they’re doing.
  27. They don’t do any kind of content for long term lead generation (Marketers need to do videos, social media content, blogs, etc. for permanent long term assets that collect leads forever).