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Why People Quit The Network Marketing Industry

Frankie Muhammad
World Ventures Travel Representative (Atlanta)
Sponsor# 298999462

Why People Quit Network Marketing

  • Lack of quality training. Most people quit network marketing because they have not been trained properly to do the MLM business. If you sponsor is unresponsive to you, there is usually plenty of training in your online office through your company and personal website as well as Youtube.
  • Unrealistic expectations. Building a MLM is a 2 to 5 year plan.Too many people come into network marketing thinking they will make it big by doing very little in a short time. That is simply not true. It takes hard work and you’ll have to sacrifice. You also have to realize that if you quit network marketing before two years of being in your business.
  • Prospecting  wrong people. I’ve seen network marketers talk to the same 20 people 10 times. Wouldn’t you rather talk to 200 new people one time instead of the same 20 people over and over? It takes the same amount of time but by finding new people, you’ll get to those who are truly interested in your products or opportunity. You will find more people who have a deep desire to change their lives. That is who you should be talking to!
  • Lack Of Personal development. One of the keys to being successful in the Network Marketing Industry is Personal Development. Getting into a success mindset is something we have to work on. We are not born that way so doing personal development daily is a must. If you’ve skipped this, then get going with working on yourself.