
You Can Use Rooibos Tea Help Me Get Healthy

Rooibos Tea Health Benefits
Rooibos is a tea that can help keep you healthy. Rooibos is a member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa’s fynbos. The generic name comes from the plant Calicotome villosa, aspalathos in Greek. Rooibos is also referred to as red tea. This tea is use to treat health issues like asthma, headaches, eczema, insomnia and allergies. It also helps strengthen your bones and fights against premature aging. Furthermore, its good for hypertension.
One of the things I like about the the tea is the tea does not have any caffeine. My body has a difficult time digesting caffeine and a lot of their people bodies does also. This is one of those health teas that you can drink everyday. Drinking the tea every day will not have any adverse effects on the body. In fact, the tea will strengthen your immune system.

Rooibos is a very popular tea in the United States. Rooibos has a lot of nutrients. It is rich in minerals. It has copper, zinc, manganese, potassium,calcium and iron. Also, it does not have oxalic acids. This is awesome because if you have kindey stones you can still drink Rooibos tea. Also, this tea has some very powerful antioxidants. There are some that say this tea can help prevent serious illness. This tea has been know to have 50 times more antioxidants than green tea. So that should tell you how powerful Rooibos tea really is. This tea is also rich in Vitamin C.
Health Benefits Of Rooibos Tea
1. Good For The Respiratory System: Rooibos tea is a bronchodilator. A bronchodilator is a substance that dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, and in doing so, it increases airflow to the lungs making breathing easier. With the decrease of resistance in the respiratory airway, drinkers of rooibos tea will get the added boost of preventing common cardiovascular diseases including atheroschelorsis and heart attacks.
2. Good For The Digestive System: Rooibos tea is also rich in antispasmodic agents that activate potassium ions in the body. These agents help ease stomach cramps, abdominal pain and aid digestion. The tea may also be used as a natural remedy to irritable bowel syndrome. The antispasmodic agents help the digestive tract by smoothing out muscles in the gut.
3. Good For The Skin: The tea is also rich in alpha hydroxy acid and zinc. Both of these nutrients are great for the skin and may help alleviate several skin problems including acne, pimples, sunburns and uneven skin.
4. Helps Fight Type 2 Diabetes: Rooibos tea contains aspalathin, which has a hypoglycemic effect on the body. Aspalathin is a rare type of antioxidant that helps balance blood sugar and improves insulin resistance in the body.
5. Improve Blood Circulation: Many Americans suffer from poor blood circulation, which may lead to serious health issues including a heart attack. Roobios tea contains chrysoeriols, which is a flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This compound aids blood circulation and has been linked to reducing cholesterol.
6. Helps Fight Inflammation: Roobios tea is rich in polyphenols including aspalathin and nothofagin, which are two polyphenol antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect the body by fighting free radicals or unstable cells that attack healthy cells to stabilize themselves. The polyphenols in rooibos tea have anti-inflammatory properties, which assists in preventing heart related illnesses. Finally, the antiviral properties of polyphenols provide an added boost to the immune system, which helps protect the body from common colds, viruses and the flu.
7. Good For Hypertension: Rooibos tea is a natural remedy to help relieve and prevent hypertension. It works by lowering the blood pressure. Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, occurs when too much blood is forced against the artery walls within the body. This may lead to health issues including heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one-third of Americans suffer from hypertension. As a result, many people may benefit from drinking rooibos tea to assist with their hypertension.

Rare Nutrients In Rooibos Tea
Rooibos tea is said to contain rare nutrients like Quercetin and Bioflavanoids that assists in good blood circulation and obstructs hemorrhaging.
Important Health Information About Rooibos Tea
Although this is a awesome health tea. There are some things you need to be concern about when drinking rooibos tea. Since rooibos is so powerful, it can interfere with treatments for various conditions, including chemotherapy for cancer patients. Also, rooibos has shownestrogenic activities in certain studies, so it might not be a good idea to use if you have a hormone-sensitive cancer like breast cancer.
Finally, if you have existing kidney or liver conditions, rooibos might be more harmful than helpful. It should be used as a preventative measure for these conditions, not a cure. Make sure you speak to your doctor before adding any new dietary elements or beverages to your normal routine, particularly one as powerful as rooibos tea!