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Don’t Make These Mistake With Your MLM Business

4 Major Mistakes New People Make In Network Marketing

  1. New MLM Business Owners try to sponsor everyone. If a person is not interest in your business at the time, don’t try to get them to come to a business presentation. Just develop a rapport and establish a relationship.
  2. New MLM Business Owners start off talking to just Family and Friends. Most of the time these people are not interested in your product or business opportunity. Also, they can be negative.  Also, they don’t take you serious.
  3. New MLM Business Owners prejudge people. They only talk to people that they think may be interested in there business.
  4. To busy selling the business. They talk to much about the business. They should be trying to develop a rapport and establishing a relationship. If you want them to know about the business, you can give them a DVD or send them to a 3 way call  or online presentation